Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bored by Politicos

Last night was the State of the Union with the Republican Response.

Last week, the Fellowship of Presbyterians created the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians. (This is either their third or forth name in a year.)

I have officially decided that I don't want to be bothered with most of these clowns.

As for the State of the Union , let me guess what was said... We're a strong nation. There are ways we can be better. I got some ideas, but all I will say right now are broad brushstrokes that will be parsed for weeks. By the way, those jokers are getting in the way for me to do real work.

As for the Republican Response: We're a strong nation. There are ways we can be better. We got some ideas, but all we'll say right now are broad brushstrokes that will be parsed for weeks. By the way, those jokers are getting in the way for us to do real work.

In the Presbyterian Church, it's thinly veiled like this--Those guys aren't biblical! I'm not going to be divisive, but their take on gays is all wrong so we're out of here as long as we can find a way to get out of here with millions in real estate and our pensions.

The other side's take is thinly veiled as--don't let the door which you're leaving with us hit you in the ass on the way out.

Yes, I have made a fatal error in all four of these general statements: Extremes make good sound bytes but actually represent very few people. They're great for headlines and bylines. They're great for getting my name out there, but on the whole they're useless.

That's where I am right now. In the nation we call it politics and in the church we call it polity. Both words come from the Greek word "polis" which means "city." (As in "The Super Bowl will be played in Indiana Polis soon.) In general today the today deals with how the city (or other jurisdiction) operates. Frankly I can live without the garbage the "polis" thinks is important.

It's quit being about people and is more about power more than ever and that has completely bored me to tears. If you agree, sign up for my new "Cry Me a River" party.

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