Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It's been a while, and here's why...

The other day I posted this little gem on my facebook page:
I hereby declare that Blueberry Syrup shall henceforth be known as "Mrs. Buttersmurf."
I know, it's a silly little thing to say, but it crossed my mind on Sunday morning and I thought it was worth sharing with the world.  As for me, I think I think the bottle would be a hoot.

On of my friends posted this on my page:
I was just thinking yesterday I was missing some Paul Andresen humor. Thanks for the infusion.
My response was that things stopped being funny a while ago. Life its ownself has gotten pretty tough. It has seemed that over the past few years most everything has been tough and whenever anything has looked up, Marie and I would get knocked down twice as hard.

If you are thinking that my blogs and other correspondence have reflected this, please know there is significant self editing. I am trying not to live so that the rest of the world sings this song to me:

I simply pray never to hear those fateful words "If you just want to cry to somebody, don't cry to me."

But things are beginning to look up. I'm interviewing for a part time job, there's a church that has some interest, my Motel 6 management training should restart soon, and we're moving this weekend. Thanks to all of the folks who are helping too.

Marie even got the notice of her judgement, her Social Security disability has been approved. Of course, that day we got a parking ticket... for parking in a handicapped parking space without a permit. Like the Morton Salt girl says, when it rains...

All in all, I could use a little more humor too.