Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mixed Emotions

Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army major who shot up Fort Hood ten days ago evidently was paralyzed when he was wounded during his apprehension. Sorry, I just can't get worked up over this.

This is it, I'm not glad he was paralyzed and I'm not sorry he isn't as dead as the thirteen victims he left in his wake. I just don't care that he was wounded. I just don't care. It's not as if these are his "just deserts" and it's not as if I'm not worried because "he'll get his."

But if this is being reported to get my sympathy, sorry, I don't care.

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. I know Major Hasan will meet his maker, and on that day he will walk to the throne of grace and with the love of God, he will be disciplined. Like a parent disciplines children, Major Hasan will be disciplined. As will we all.

Lord, I confess my indifference. Please forgive me.

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