Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Pastor Paul's June 28 Newsletter

Dear Friends in Christ,

On Sunday, I consecrated the new pitcher that is used to put water into the font on Sunday mornings. During the Children’s Sermon I taught them what consecrated means. The Oxford Dictionary defines consecrated this way: make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose.

By now you know that I love words. But as a word lover I know that often words become jargon. The last thing I want to do is load worship with jargon to the point that I’m glorified instead of our Lord Jesus. Oh my, look at the pastor using those wonderful words again… That can be said with dripping sarcasm or not, neither way brings glory to God.

Yes, we sanctified that pitcher. It was made holy. All that means is the pitcher was set aside for water for the font. It won’t ever be used for iced tea, or whatever its previous use, ever again. That’s all. So much for $5.00 words.

In fact, through God in Christ, in the waters of our baptism, we have all been made for a holy purpose, to be the people of God. We have been called to be a blessing to the people of Weatherford, Oklahoma, America, and the world. We can only do this through the Spirit who strengthens us.

In worship we recharge those batteries. We remember our baptism, the water we shared with Jesus. We are fed by Jesus at the table he set for all believers. We are nourished by his word heard and shared. Let’s worship God together this Sunday!

In Christ, Paul

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