Sunday, April 25, 2010

Legalism & facebook

Recently, I have seen groups on facebook hoping for the death of President Obama. That's right, people who would never actively do anything to harm or support harming the president are joining facebook groups hoping, praying, and/or seeking the president's death.

They don't necessarily advocate assassination, but they certainly aren't against a rapidly progressing disease.

Please, people, how gross is that?

So yesterday, I asked this question on my status:

I am reading posts advocating death and hate and other posts advocating silencing those voices. Question: Unless there in something in the "Terms of Service," to the contrary; does facebook have the right to censor any voice? Yes, even voices that spew ignorance (I'll let you decide what accounts for ignorance if you'll allow me the same.).

Well, folks were not all pleased with my question, for the most obvious reasons. Later in the day I posted that this question is a legal question for all of the scribes and Pharisees on facebook (and I can certainly be enough of a scribe to ask a legal question). It's a legal question with a legal answer. In this case, as in so many others, this law has nothing to do with love.

An aside: Once in college, I coordinated a graffiti wall for Student Activities on Valentines Day. I let people leave messages for everyone to see all over several bulletin boards in the College Commons. Yes, there was one rule to the graffiti wall: If I found it offensive, it was gone. I would take an exacto-knife and cut out the offending patch and staple in fresh paper in its stead. If any one asked what right I had to do the editing it was simple. It was my program, they were my rules, and the rules were posted, If I was the arbiter of propriety then it was my decision and it's as simple as that. (Yes, I did cut out profane and overly lurid posts.) I set myself up as judge and jury and had the disciplinary action set. You could post as much profanity as you wanted, I would just come back and cut it out. If you didn't like it, then don't post.

I mention this because I know facebook must have something about threatening speech in their "Terms of Service." It's all about enforcement. Outside of this legal thing, I believe there is no place in our world in hoping and praying for death. The Lord is the Lord of life, not the Lord of death. Especially friends in service to God in these groups should know better than praying for the death of any soul.

In the mean time, I just hope that everyone who has joined such a group or made such a post won't be too surprised when the Secret Service knocks on their door and makes their lives miserable for a season or two. As the old song goes, don't cross the river if you can't swim the tide.

In the meantime, a little Elvis Costello asking the musical question this post begs to be answered:


  1. While I don't agree with their sentiments (the ballot box, not the bullet box is what we use to unseat government leaders, there's an element of free speech and even freedom of religion involved here.

  2. Stushie, First, thanks for responding, it's been so long since anyone has responded to any of my blogs I wonder if anyone is reading them at all. So thank you for reading and thank you for responding.

    Second, there really isn't a "free speech" or "freedom of religion" element because facebook is not an entity of the state. The first ammendment to the constitution says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble."

    facebook's terms of service just aren't a constitutional issue.

    But then again, the possibility of violating federal laws about "threatening" the President (or any public official or public figure) may or may not be present. Those could get sticky.

    Now, I will agree with you free exchange of ideas is important and the question of should any idea, no matter how stupid, be outside of posting on facebook. That's up to them.

    As for free exchange of ideas on my blog, the only comment I have ever deleted is when someone posted onto my sermon blog that I could have a bigger penis.

    I hope you feel affirmed by my comments. Yes there is a place for differing ideas. I hope what I write is one of those places.

    Peace be with you Stushie
