Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Incendiary Rhetoric

So this is why I have quit watching the news...

A Caucasian woman on FoxNews the other day said that if she were in Arizona and if she were asked, she would be proud to produce documents that proved she was a citizen of these United States. Of course...
  1. She would never be asked for her papers, she's lily white, and
  2. What would she produce?

This is my question...What document would she produce? Drivers licence? Social Security Card? In America, citizens don't have to carry citizenship papers. We don't! If you don't want to drive, you don't have to carry photo identification. Sure, it's easier to get beer if you have an ID, but you don't have to carry ID and you don't have to buy beer.

Does this mean that in Arizona having a lack of papers is cause for suspicion?

I get it. The issues with immigration are many and complex. Aliens, whether in this country legally or not, take jobs from Americans and jobs that no American (read: Anglo) wants to take. Pretty much everything in this world is more complex than a segment on a talk radio or cable news show.

The problem with nearly every issue in our country today is not so much the foundational issue, it's the rhetoric used to deify and vilify. We are a nation that is heading toward a place where ration is being replaced by reaction.

Thank God that at this moment, there are enough people in each camp that one is not in a position to completely annihilate the other, because if that were true then the opening of "reeducation camps" would not be far away.

If you think I'm crazy, what about the talk of "liberal-left-wing-media" as a form of reeducation. What about local "Tea Parties" and before that "Rush's Bake Sale" to reeducate. Both of these groups are well meaning (GOD let them be well meaning), but there is no longer room for middle ground when the rhetoric is hotter than the surface of the sun.

Remember, it's all good fun until the Hopi busts someone in Arizona and ships them back to England.

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