Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pastor Paul's April Newsletter Article

Dear Friends,

During a recent sermon I compared Jesus preparing for his hour to a horse race about to begin. I said that there is a lot of training for the horse before the race. I compared that to Jesus being prepared—and preparing us—for the coming hour. I said, “I feel like we, this part of the Body of Christ, is that race horse being led to the gate. We have been made ready to run the race of our lives.” I think this is true. I feel like we are being prepared, being groomed for our next stage as the body of Christ.

Now this doesn’t mean we’re going to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Much of what we do—things like Sunday School, Women’s Circle, Fellowship Lunches—these are valuable to the mission of the church. Much of what we have started doing or started doing again—things like camp and lock-ins—are a glory to God! Our building is a great place, a center for the work of Christ in the community too.

These things only become a problem when we love the stuff more than we love Jesus. They only become a problem when our love of things past keeps us from moving into where God is moving us in the future. Remember that piece of wisdom, “Cherish our past—Support the present—Embrace our future.” If we can honor these three things, we can serve God with passion.

I wish I knew exactly what that meant for us, exactly what God is calling us to do. Again as I said, “Unfortunately, we don’t have the benefit of knowing the track is a dirt oval and the race is going to end after ten furlongs.” Horses and NASCAR drivers know how long the race is and where it goes, God does not give us such advice.

One of the great places to look is in our history. The Great Ends of the Church are six historical goals of the church. They were first put together over 100 years ago as a couple branches of Presbyterianism decided to come back together again after schism.

The Great Ends of the Church are:

  1. the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind;
  2. the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God;
  3. the maintenance of divine worship;
  4. the preservation of the truth;
  5. the promotion of social righteousness; and
  6. the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.
These six ends can help us focus on the answer to the question “so what next?” These six great ends can help us focus what we are called to do. These six ends can help us say, “We can do that, but how is that going to help us meet the Great Ends of the Church?”

We have to begin again with the basics. We have to begin with establishing Godly priorities. Our first priority is this, establishing a relationship with the Lord. That’s where it has to begin. It begins with walking the word. It begins with prayer. It begins by keeping company with those who walk in the word and live life bathed in prayer. It begins by realigning our priorities.

I say “we” because the Session and I need your help. We must do this together. Together we can plot a course that cherishes our past, supports the present, and embraces our future. It’s not up to me alone. It is not for the Session alone. This work is for all of us.

This I do know: “because of God’s good grace, we are called to respond faithfully. This is how we live eternal life, not just have it. To live life, we must share. We are called to take what God has given us and share it with the world.”

See you in church,

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