Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Sky Continues to Fall


I am reading the proposed "Gracious Dismissal" policies from Grace Presbytery. I read the policy put forward by the Presbytery a few months ago, and with the exception of one section I can go with that policy.  The policy has a definite leaning toward the traditional interpretation of the Reserve Clause. For those of you who are not Presby Wonks, that means that in most cases church property decisions are Presbytery decisions, not the local congregation.

A group of Elders has put forward a different proposal which will probably be offered as a substitution motion. I haven't been able to get past one of the motion's foundational statements though...

Gracious Witness: It is our belief that Scripture and the Holy Spirit require a gracious witness from us rather than a harsh legalism. (full text from lines 30-31 of the proposal)
Here's my issue--I don't believe them. The tipping point that has led the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) toward schism is sexuality. Many of the people and congregations that want to leave the PC (U.S.A.) are using six (SIX!) pieces of scripture from the whole of the canon to create legal structures to exclude a group of people from ordained service. Using six pieces of scripture, pieces on which bible scholars argue meaning, to create rules is the definition of harsh legalism, not gracious witness.

I believe the fruit of the vine begins in the root. Hence I would believe that there was some "gracious witness" motivating this proposal if there was "gracious witness" at its root.

I have to read the whole thing, of course. It is my job as Presbytery Commissioner, but I must admit, using their own words from the 30th and 31st lines of a nearly 400 line proposal, my reading is already colored.

Having said that... Lines 30-31 of the substitute motion are lines 72-73 in the Presbytery's motion... Mistrust is mistrust without regard for who is mistrusting and who is mistrusted.

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