Again, as an obese child, people made fun of me. I was bullied. But here's what my father said about that, "Sometimes, children are cruel." He said that not only to tell the plain and simple truth, but in a way that added we will grow out of it.
Can I add that I was a child, and I wasn't always kind and wonderful? It might actually make my point, sometimes children are cruel.
The Apostle Paul said "When I became a man I gave up my childish ways." Guess what? My dad was right, but on a side note adults are childish and cruel too. It's the difference between being who we are in a sin-sick world and behaving like the children our Heavenly Father calls us to be.
As Gump once said, "...and that's all I have to say about that."
Yeah. "Sometimes, people are jerks," would have been more accurate.