Sunday, April 10, 2011

An Open Letter

Dear Wal-Mart Customers,
I know that while we were in school we often asked when we would ever use the skills they tried to teach us. Dear friends, let me give you a hand. First, reading at a first grade level, whether in English or Spanish, isn't a bad thing. Integral calculus is over most of our needs, but surely we can still all count to twenty. Let's again combine these skills into a real life word problem: When you have more than twenty (20) items, STAY OUT OF THE LANE THAT SAYS TWENTY (20) ITEMS OR LESS.

Thanks for understanding, Paul
Dear Air Traveler,
We know that you're more important than the rest of us, but there's a reason they board the back of the plane first and it's not so that you won't have any overhead bin space. Please, causing a boarding log jam in the front of the plane because you can't wait to board is silly. On a side note, we all have to wait the same amount of time for checked bags, it's not worth the rush.

Just trying to help, Paul
Dear Fellow Motorist,
I know you're the only one on the road, but if you run your Mazda Miata into my Nissan XTerra, physics teaches us that two pieces of matter cannot occupy the same space in time. Physics further teaches us that your aluminum piece of sporty car will probably get crushed by my Crossover Utility Vehicle. By the way, why are you using a Miata to tow a kayak?

Just wondering, Paul
Dear Paul,
You realize of course that nobody is going to pay attention to your "unsolicited advice," don't you.

Just sayin', Paul

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