Sunday, January 2, 2011

Read Any "Good Book" Lately?

It's that time of year, time to begin new habits. One of my favorites is reading the bible through every year. In the past, I have read through the New Revised Standard Version and the New International Versions. Last year I read the New American Standard Bible through. I find it interesting to see how different editors and editorial committees make the translation choices they do. This year, I'm taking a slightly different tack and reading the New Living Translation. You can get this one pictured here.

I've chosen this translation this year because I haven't spent a lot of time in it and thought it would be about time I tried something different. Picking the translation you want to read is as easy as that.

So, it's not too late to join. Your local Christian Book Store and every big box bookseller on earth can hook you up with a copy. There are 44.5 million websites that will help you find a one year reading plan. Or you can check out this one, with links and support, from my friend The Practical Disciple.

Be blessed friends, join me and give it a go!


  1. I've been unable to complete this task in a single year but have been plugging away at comparing the NIV to my old standby, the JB. It is a job of work and I suspect it will take me another year to make it all the way through. Of course, I know that the old standby is a suspect book. *smile*

  2. Hey Paul, I just realized you had linked to me over at Thanks so much. The read the bible through a year program is going very well. I hope all is well in your ministry and appreciate your blog. Blessings in the New Year, John Arnold
