Friday, January 7, 2011


Today was my Sabbath, my day of rest. As a Pastor, the usual Sabbath, Sunday, is my biggest day of work during the week. Sunday is actually my Monday, but it's a much more wonderful and glorious than Monday was when I worked in Higher Education.

So what did I do on this Sabbath? I slept. I got out of bed at 7:00 to take out the trash and I got donuts. Have I mentioned that the donuts in Marshall are fabulous? As a matter of fact, yes, I have.

After breakfast I took a nap. After the nap, I read and I prayed. Then I took another nap. Then I took Marie to the library where I took a book and read some more. Eating dinner, we watched a couple of episodes of a from BBC America called Torchwood. Now, I'm telling all of you about my mundane day and getting ready to finish my reading.

This is halfway to unusual for me. Often there is a Presbytery thing which takes from my reflective and rejuvenatory time. Sometimes it's work around the house. Today, it was all Sabbath!

Tomorrow there's work. There is taking the Christmas decorations out to the shed. There's the trip to Wal-Mart to return a lousy vacuum cleaner. There's finishing the sermon and trying to whittle it down to about twelve-hundred words so that we don't finish in time for a late, late supper. (This is because tomorrow we will also be celebrating the Lord's Supper, Ordaining and Installing New Officers, and Welcoming three new members.)

I have all ready joked that Sunday's sermon may well be a reading of the scripture followed by me saying "Yep, amen."

So God bless, and my your Sabbath be as wonderful as mine. I think there's donut left, but don't tell anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Torchwood- loved that show, and all the BBC crime/mystery stuff. Life on Mars, The Office- much better on BBC
