Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Modest Political Proposal

A crew of "Economic Experts" have given President Obama a grade of 59 on his handling of economic matters during his presidency.

The man hasn't been in office for two months and he's getting graded on a problem that started almost 30 years ago! America--we love to keep score but really, shouldn't we let him get into the game before calling his four years an economic debacle?

Pundits say the first 100 days are the most productive of any presidency. So I have a plan:
  1. Cut the Presidential term of office from four years to four months. This gives the President 100 days to govern and 20 days to rest on the laurels.
  2. To even the playing field--Congress terms go to two months and Senate terms to six months. This maintains the proportional length of terms in office.
  3. Judges-no changes to appointed positions. Elected judge terms get cut to 1/12 just like the others.
  4. Maintain current term limits! Don't change them one bit.

That's my proposal. It won't change the way campaigns are run one bit. Washington runs on a constant election cycle anyway. Shoot--Newt has just announced he's considering running for president and the next election is so far away we don't want to see it. We just take an election cycle that is happening and make it real instead of imaginary.

What a pity.

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