Friday, March 13, 2009

That Boy Ain't Right Bright

Bristol Palin's boyfriend and baby-daddy has dumped her. (I've seen it reported both ways--he broke up with her and she with him. Who knows? But this posting works better assuming he did the dumping.)

This is the sort of tragic family that is all too common in America. Kid's don't seem to have parents anymore-they have baby-mommas and baby-daddies. This is sad, and considering the statistics, this baby--even with a politically powerful grandmother--stands a much greater chance of being raised in poverty. But I have a question here...

What kind of kid would break up with Sarah Palin's daughter leaving a baby behind? Doesn't this kid know that dumping his limp, beaten, dying body anywhere in Alaska would be a snap for Granny? This hockey mom has a slapshot that can knock him into next week and the clout to get away with it.

I'm not saying this should be the governor's first inclination, nor am I saying this is a bad thing either. I'm just saying this boy has a habit of not thinking through his decisions. First he gets the daughter of a governor pregnant and then he dumps her. This kid is no rocket surgeon.

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