Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You Are Cordially Invited!

Thursday January 22, I will be facilitating a discussion called "The King of Kings and The Lord of The Rings in Song and Story." It is a discussion of Tolkien's LOTR series through the glasses of its songs and poetry.

Tolkien did not write LOTR as a Christian alegory as some believe. It was written to provide a British Mythos. Tolkien believed the Brits really had no mythology of their own. He (and he was a professor of literature) contended the King Arthur mythology was a French divice implanted into the British conscienceousness. He wanted to change that.

But while Tolkien did not want to write a Christian alegory, he could no sooner write outside of his believer's world view than a fish could breathe on dry land.

Reading the series, I was taken by the poetry and songs sung by all of the Characters. I believe there are parallels between Tolkien's songs and verse; and the psalms, verse, and even the hymns we sing today.

The party is at Sow's Ear Antiques on the Berryville Square at 6:30 tomorrow night. If you're in town please drop in, wine and snacks will be served.

1 comment:

  1. A BIG thanks to everyone who came last night to Sow's Ear for "The King of Kings and the Lord of the Rings." It was a wonderful night of conversation and fellowship. I learned a lot and had a great time myself!

    Thanks to Dan and Susan Krotz from Sow's Ear for hosting the event and I can't wait until the next event in the Inkling series.
