Friday, November 28, 2008

American Politics... or The Same Thing Only Different

Last night Gov. Sarah Palin was on the Greta Van Susteren show talking about the election, the post-election and the media. The Govenor complained, and rightly so, that her campaign was marred by comments and questions that had nothing to do with her candidacy, but were focused on her gender.

When this was being said, the first thing that came to my mind is that US Represenative Geraldine Ferraro said the same things 24 years ago when she was the Democratic candidate for the Vice Presidency.

On the other side of the coin, President-Elect Barack Obama ran his campaign on private money because he got all the private money he needed and more. Since his war chest was as big as a whale he did not have to take Federal Election Commission funds and be bound by the restrictions that entails. The Republicans objected to this, especially since 1) he agreed to take the federalmoney with the strings attached and 2) Senator McCain and the Republicans had to take the public money with its restrictions.

The first thing that came to my mind with this is that this is the same objection Democrats have made against Republicans since I can remember. The Democratic party candidate has never had as much money as the Republican...until this year.

Can we all agree not to use either of these arguments ever again since both parties have used them against the other; and due to the inherent hypocracy that makes them no longer credible?

Oh, we can't? Sorry, I'll blog about football on Saturday.

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