Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Now That's Talent!

This week's sermon, is based on "The Parable of the Talents." According to their ability, the Master gives his slaves one, two or five talents. One of the things I did in preparation is determine the value of a talent in American Dollars. And the grand total (as of the November 12, 2008 spot silver open) is...


That would mean that the $700 Billion Credit Bail-Out comes to...

107,371,020.56 Talents

So our government is giving away over 107 million talents of silver to people who couldn't manage it in the first place, and I'm preaching a stewardship sermon. Well played!

Many say that this is not a bail out of big banks, it is a bail out for the American economy. I say we'll see when we see who gets the money. Will it be big banks with bad paper or will it be poor people about to lose their homes?

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that in Iraq the average salary is somewhere between 7 & 17 US dollars a month unless you are a doctor in which case it could be upwards of $200 US?
