Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Wisdom of William Sloane Coffin

"Had Jesus heeded both his parents and the religious authorities of his day, instead of saving the world he would have become the best carpenter in Nazareth. Were our chldren to heed us and the religious authorities of our day, they'd all become nicely packaged citizens--safe, polite, and obedient."

This pearl comes from "Credo" by William Sloane Coffin (Westminster John Knox Press, 2004, page 131). Coffin was Head of Staff at the Riverside Church in New York City during a tumultuous time in the life of our nation.

When I read this, I know what I think he is saying. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. What I believe this says to me...
    Writing as a "religious authority," this reminds me to be alert to the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the congregation, the Children of God as well as the children of parents. What I want may have nothing to do with what is best for the world.

    Yes, this can look messy, particularly in times like Coffin's with war protests and in the time of Christ when God incarnate empties himself of all Godly power choosing instead righteousness.
